[7:51:16 AM] RG: When they make a movie of all this, they could get Ron Jeremy to make the movie. I figure he would be really good in all the sex scenes, and adding in some extra about Abu Ghraib could be on the cards.
[7:53:32 AM] WR: he does kinda look like Ron Jeremy, doesn't he?
[7:54:07 AM] RG: Yep. Maybe RJ is a terrorist? If it's the look that counts ....
[7:55:05 AM] WR: Nah. RJ's just a big teddy bear.
[7:55:09 AM] WR: with a big dick
[7:55:42 AM] RG: Yes. You could be right. The girls he fucks are much scarier than he is.
[7:56:14 AM] WR: it says, "Self-proclaimed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed ..." other than said "self-proclamations", is there any actual evidence this man had anything to do with 9-11?
[7:56:36 AM] WR: girls who fuck Ron Jeremy will fuck anybody
[7:57:07 AM] RG: Well, anybody for money. And make it look enthusiastic!
[7:58:21 AM] RG: And no, there is no evidence that has been revealed, because they are supposed to hold off with the evidence until it goes to court ... oops, that's a bit of a catch 21 isn't it? Under Bush, they didn't get their day in court, or even a lawyer.
[7:59:30 AM] WR: non-conspiracy-crackpot person
[8:01:40 AM] RG: Yes. Let's throw out all those years of what America has learned about justice, and turn the courts into a Christian Jihadist movement where the course of justice is perverted. Sounds like the New America.
[8:02:49 AM] WR: I’m wondering if I should say anything to him. Prolly not
[8:04:18 AM] RG: No. You should refer him to well-written articles that point out the damage done to American justice systems by the Bush administration in their efforts to escalate the war on terror.
[8:09:02 AM] WR: Microsoft will have to come up with a new way to ban people. Then the modders will have to find a way around that. Sounds like the beginning of an arms race
[8:11:26 AM] WR: "But James concedes that the pet issue is real. He says he has written a pamphlet to worried Christians counseling that if people in Heaven find they miss their pets, they can decide to have them brought up later." hahahaha
[8:12:08 AM] RG: Yes. I read that, but I am not sure how you do this. Do UPS service Heaven? Or Hell, where most of these people are probably going?
[8:12:22 AM] WR: don't kid yourself, Karzai is a drug lord
13:10 AM] RG: Oh, I am not kidding myself about Karzai ... he is a crook and if the big money is in drugs, he and his brother will be there.
[8:13:36 AM] WR: under the Taliban, opium production in Afghanistan was very low. Today, Afghanistan provides 95% of the world's opium supply. The manufacture of heroin from opium has been moved into Afghanistan.
[8:13:54 AM] WR: why does the Karzai government allow this? Simple answer: they are doing it themselves!
[8:14:30 AM] WR: and I can't prove it, but I suspect they are doing it with full US government knowledge and support
[8:16:12 AM] RG: Yes. It is HUGE business. This whole mess is a result of George Bush Senior's actions after the Russians left in 1989. There was an opportunity then to go into Afghanistan and fix things from the inside, but instead, they were left to starve, 1.5 million children dies from starvation it is estimated, and Afghanistan discovered what an opportunistic fiend (not friend) America had become.
[8:17:14 AM] WR: omg that rapture ready website is crazy! (I shouldn't say 'omg', when I don't really believe in 'g'). You know what's really crazy, though? At an earlier time in my life, I believed all this stuff. When I look at it today, it looks as loony as believing in Santa Claus
[8:19:58 AM] WR: it's a huge mess alright. Afghanistan is the poorest country outside of Africa. NPR did a story a while back about rampant heroin addiction in the country.
[8:20:18 AM] WR: people become heroin addicts because heroin helps lessen the pain of starvation
[8:20:55 AM] WR: the level of violence in the country is off the charts, too...
[8:23:53 AM] RG: Yes, Afghanistan is a mess. Many Americans still believe all kinds of fictions about America, and one of them is that it is great to lose a war to America because you get lots of money out of it.
The end of WW II, the US spent a lot of money rehabbing Germany and Japan. The result is two great allies. If you look at the countries that have been devastated by their relationship with America since 1960, either as allies or enemies, they have all been economically devastated by the US Military-Industrial-Congressional complex.
[8:25:54 AM] WR: the idea that "it's great to lose a war with America, because you get all kinds of money out of it" ... hmm... where did I hear that idea before? I think I heard it from a man in California named RHG, maybe about 10 years ago...
[8:30:37 AM] RG: I don't think I professed it as my belief then, because the actuality died in the fifties. By the time Vietnam came along, it was already a myth. I think South Korea was the last example. Since then, America has been active in Africa, undermining democracy there in the same way they had been so successfully in Latin America for years, in the interests of American business. But it is a concept I have heard voiced from people again and again, who cites the Marshall plan after WW II as proof. In fact, one of the people who suggested this to me is a WW I history buff, and I blew him out of the water for it.
[8:31:26 AM] RG: But you should ask people what they think about the assertion. There are still a surprising number of people wallowing around in their own beliefs that embrace the assertion.
[8:31:44 AM] WR: ok
[8:36:47 AM] RG: I think there have been two kinds of wars. There have been wars where America has been threatened as a nation, in which I drop WW II and Korea, and the situations where America has so totally outclassed its enemy that it has been an exercise in manipulation for a desired outcome, often masterminded by the CIA and other spook organizations, and overseen by American business.
The mainstream military operations, huge and well reported, haven't had the same kind of scope for US Government skullduggery.
[8:37:41 AM] RG: Overseen by American business --- well, the direction has been given by American business for profit --- and that is what pays for war.
[8:40:26 AM] WR: when you say "overseen by American business" -- you're talking about the oil business?
[8:42:50 AM] RG: Yes, and the diamond and raw resources businesses --- Africa has deposits roughly 4 times the size of anything else in the world. Iron ore, coal, etc, and the Chinese are now in Africa building infrastructure so that they can get this stuff to the coast.
[8:46:28 AM] RG: And this all scares the crap out of the American spook agencies who have secretly worked behind the scenes at manipulating the dictators in these countries for all these years. The preferred manner of spooks to control a country is to install a dictator, give him the weapons and train his army to make him unseatable, then get him to perform like a trained seal.
This model is giving way to an independent income based on raw material supply. The Chinese are leading the way.
The rate of innovation in communications is accelerating. You have often spoken about exponential growth in the past, and now that Google is competing with Skype on a more even basis, Microsoft will have to be in there as well.
Meanwhile, the old-school communication companies (AT&T, etc) are still battling each other to maintain their phone revenues, almost seemingly unaware that this market will die exponentially fast.
The real driver for change will be the economy. People are getting more dollar-conscious, and this always drives change. The more people that make the change, the more people that are available to educate their friends, and tutor them in the new money-saving technologies.
Problem is, the FCC has been cleaning up selling bandwidth to private companies, who monopolize (or duopolize) the wireless spectrum, making huge profits on their ability to restrain trade.
Slowly, Americans are waking up to the obscene profits these companies are making, and the derailing of the spirit of free enterprise that founded the USA.
It remains to be seen if there will be major change. But the only long term solution is to have the owners of the bandwidth rent it out to anybody who is prepared to pay the freight.
The most interesting part is the equipment cost for infrastructure is continuing to halve in cost about every two years, making it cheaper and cheaper to provide the services.
Sooner or later, people will wake up to the fact that they are paying 100 times the value of the services they are receiving. It might take a decade, but the revolution will be driven by the observation that basic communication services are much slower and vastly more expensive in the US than they are in the rest of the world, because free enterprise no longer has anything to do with US business, which has devolved into a rationality of a few huge players dominating a market, who all overcharge for their services.
[9:40:14 AM] WR: Nathan Myhrvold predicted in 1993 that the cost of a long-distance phone call would be $0